

Martin wrote on Dec 30, 2004:

You might change the way page behaves after adding lyrics. Right now the feedback is little too general and if adding whole album one can not know where he stopped.
Like it says that "Ty from support bla bla will be added to bla bla"

That way you can always see where you have stopped and if your lyrics got through :)

Enough of critics, you have a great site and i got my Within Temptation lyrics i needed here :D

..the guy who adds Queen.
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Hey Martin,

Then I thank you here!
Maybe you will consider being a submaster?
You've got quite a few more options by adding lyrics.
Thank you for the compliments, we will check the adding-panel.

Mr. Jonas Hollén wrote on Dec 29, 2004:

Hi There!

Is there someone who can translate Lyrics in Spanish to Swedish and/or English, for me, here? If so, please feel free to e-mail me. Thanks.

Great Pages! Keep Up all The Good Work!

Best Regards,
Mr. Jonas Hollén
Stockholm, Sweden
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Dear Jonas,

Thanks for the compliments.
I think I could manage some Spanish/English translations. Depends on what you've got to offer in return and how many lyrics you want to be translated. Some of our submasters are Swedish, so if I ask them nicely, maybe they will cooperate. We don't want money, but give me a nice offer!

carolina wrote on Dec 22, 2004: is great.
just wish you had cult lyrics
love from italy
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thank you. We will add The Cult!
don't know wrote on Dec 20, 2004:

stupid question: about the rating from 1 to 5: Is 1 the best or the worst?
PS: You're website is great!
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Hi unknown.
Thanks for the compliment. Our rating system goes as follows: 1 - Worst, 2 - Bad, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Good, 5 - Best.
Kitty Robbins wrote on Dec 19, 2004:

Thorough resource with lots of great info, you guys keep up the good work! Hey, check us out too.
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thank you. We'll perhaps browse through your site soon. ;-)
lauvil wrote on Dec 17, 2004:

jow ruige sire mensuh! moron rulezz! maarre i though this was a dutch site? ah whatevah great site! the rasmus and him rulez! :P
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Thank you / Dank je!
It's Dutch, because it ends on .nl.
But we decided to keep it in English, because we have visitors in more than 150 countries in the world!
Ashleigh Turner wrote on Dec 17, 2004:

i only came to look at Joel Turner lyrics and i think this website is great only you could of updated this a bit with some new songs but i think everyone is greatful for a great website
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Thanks for your comments and compliments.
We always try to have the latest and newest lyrics, but it's a job that takes time!
sonne12 wrote on Dec 13, 2004:

yeah, i have my lirycs from thanks for the lirycs moron... becuise without moron i dont have my lirycs and for the people they looking at my message: and for the people of moron i make your website possible on my website its a thanks...
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Hey there,
Thank you for your message. Rammstein is a nice band, isn't it? Anyways, I've removed your site frm your message because you already filled it in once. Keep rocking! -Wolf
Doesn't Matter wrote on Dec 12, 2004:

Holy shit.. a lyrics website that doesn't install any toolbars, adware, spyware, or trojans..

I love you. =D *HUG*

I'll be glad to submit lyrics to you for any song you don't have.

I'm very impressed.
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thank you very much. We're happy to have you as a visitor. :)
Lucinda wrote on Dec 11, 2004:

Awesome site guys - really structured and easy to use... I'm happily adding lyrics :)

Maybe, try to get the 'fake' lyrics out of the long list? I know it might be hard to filter, but there's quite some crap..
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Thanks for the compliments, Lucinda!
If you are really happy adding lyrics, you could become a submaster! Also you could really help us by giving us the lyrics that you think are fake.
Anyway: you're always welcome at!
jessica wrote on Dec 04, 2004:

joel turner and the mdp's rock!!!!!!! i also like simple plan, the killers, christina aguilera, and i absolutely love death metal ( only mum hates it, so only with friends ;) )

this site is the best so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thank you!
Chuck Ayoub wrote on Dec 02, 2004:

Very cool site!
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thanks. I had to remove you site because the URL is not found.
nicolle wrote on Dec 01, 2004:

i really really like this site except you need to have alot more songs than what you do.. have a bigger variety...make so that someone can choose the song style instead of haing to waste time looking torough sucha long list of names, but its good...oh! one more thing be more like ok?
arrow Reply by Aiken:
No, we like it the way we are. But thank you anyway!
yaz wrote on Nov 28, 2004:

hi its me again please can someone send me dizzee rascal's lyrics for DREAM! cheers
arrow Reply by Wolf:
Hi Yazmin,

For your previous request: Thriller is already available here. We don't e-mail lyrics, so I just put it online here: Dream by Dizzee Rascal. Have fun!
Belinda wrote on Nov 28, 2004:

Dear Aiken!

Lots of thanks for finding the lyrics to the Stretch-song, I was afraid it would take me another twenty years before I'd finally find it. Love you till death!
arrow Reply by Aiken:
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it... :-)

Thanks for the lovely words, Belinda!
I'm almost blushing here!
anonimous wrote on Nov 28, 2004:

hey i think it cool that you can send the lyrics to a friend.....but how do you know if its sent properly??hay
plz think bout ok
arrow Reply by Aiken:
You can tell it's sent properly when you've typed in the email addresses correctly and the system says: 'You () e-mailed this lyrics to (...)'.
arrow Reply by Wolf:
If this is true, your lyric is sent. So if you basically do it the normal way, it always works.
Rich wrote on Nov 26, 2004:

Surfed in looking for lyrics for Guns N Roses, love the site. So much info!!

arrow Reply by Wolf:
Thanks, I hope you enjoy the lyrics.
eduardito manzo wrote on Nov 25, 2004:

haller....//love this web site!its will cool!!!my idol jojo anice a gd voice
arrow Reply by Aiken:
Olla! Thank you for the compliments and your opinion. It's both highly appreciated!
Your website didn't work, so I had to delete it. You can always send me an email with the correct adress, I'll put it right back.

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