
Lyrics: Malá Dáma

Artist: Kabát
Song: Malá Dáma
Released: 2007
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Malá Dáma lyrics
Utrhla tra'vu a zac(la hra't
ta mala' da'ma z pr(edme(sti'
co umi' lidem z dlani' c(i'st
tam kocky zra'na mi'vaj hlad
po noci plny' neresti'
je pohladi' a da' jim ji'st

po tme se toula' a ve dne spi'
a jeji' oci vedej vi'c nez my'
dosly mi slova, ja' sta'l tam jen
s touhle jedinou bych zemrel

S touhle bych zemrel v jedinej den
a jestli Va'm to nestaci'
kdyby tam sta'la stovka zen,
vyzvu ji k tanci a to netancim

Tam za trati' svy' doupe ma'
mince po kasna'ch posbi'ra'
a pak je skla'da' na kolej
stavi' si chra'm, plechovej most
uz po ne(m kra'ci' prvni' host
tak at ho nohy nebolej

prosla si peklem a kouzla zna'
prejety' mince poci'ta'
a kdo ji spatri' je zatracen
s touhle jedinou bych zemrel

S touhle bych zemrel v jedinej den
a jestli Va'm to nestaci'
kdyby tam sta'la stovka z(en,
vyzvu ji k tanci a to netancim

Budu si pamatovat na tu chvi'li
kdyz hra'la znelo to jak Paganini
a ja' uz vedel, ze jsem ztracenej
zeptal se za kolik s pocitem viny

S touhle bych zemrel v jedinej den
a jestli Va'm to nestaci'
kdyby tam sta'la stovka zen,
vyzvu ji k tanci a to netancim

S touhle bych zemrel v jedinej den
a jestli Va'm to nestaci'
kdyby tam sta'la stovka zen,
vyzvu ji k tanci a to netancim

[English translation:]

She picked grass and started to play
The little lady from the suburbs
That can read people's palms
That's where cats are hungry in the morning
In the night full of vice
She caresses them and gives them food

She wanders at night and sleeps by day
And her eyes see more than ours
I ran out of words, I just stood there
I would only die with this one

I would die with her in a single day
And if that is not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there,
I'd ask her to dance even though I don't dance

Her den is there by the railway
She collects coins from fountains
And puts them on the tracks
She's building a temple, a tin bridge
The first guest is coming over
So at least his legs won't hurt

She's been though hell and knows magic
She counts the money she's received
Whoever sees her is damned
I would only die with this one

I would die with her in a single day
And if that is not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there,
I'd ask her to dance even though I don't dance

I'll remember the moment
when she played, it sounded like Paganini
and then I knew I was damned
I asked how much, feeling guilty

I would die with her in a single day
And if that is not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there,
I'd ask her to dance even though I don't dance

I would die with her in a single day
And if that is not enough for you
If there were a hundred women there,
I'd ask her to dance even though I don't dance

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