
Lyrics: Pioneers

Artist: Bloc Party
Song: Pioneers
Released: 2005
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Pioneers lyrics
If it can be broke, then it can be fixed
If it can be fused, then it can be split
It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control

If it can be lost, then it can be won
If it can be touched, then it can be turned
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is, time
All you need is, time

If it can be broke, then it can be fixed
If it can be fused, then it can be split
It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control

If it can be lost, then it can be won
If it can be touched, then it can be turned
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is

We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?

A sense of purpose, and a sense of skill
A sense of function, but a disregard
We will not be the first
We will not be the first
We will not be the first
We will

We said were going conquer new frontiers
Go and stick your bloody head, in the jaws of the beast

We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?
We promised the world we'd tame it (Ah, ah, ah)
What were we hoping for?

Breathe in (Breathe out)
Breathe in (Breathe out)
Breathe in (Breathe out)
Breathe in...

So here we are reinventing the wheel
I'm shaking hands with a hurricane
It's a colour that I can't describe
It's a language I can't understand
Ambition, tearing out the heart of you
Carving lines into you
Dripping down the sides of you

We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last
We will not be the last

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